Thursday, May 21, 2009

Monsoon damped

some days before i came across an incident that happened with one of my kin. the old woman aged about 78-79 years of age and still livin in a remote konkan village, all on her own, had a mishap and in the process got 8 stitches in her head, broke her collar-bone and fractured 4 ribs. she is a hyper diabetic... needing insulin shots twice a day to lead a "normal life'' and also suffers with hypertension.

initially, due to the blood loss fom her head injury, sprung up some complications where her heart could not work properly, her body started swelling like a balloon. the doctors concluded that she has very slim chances and told the people over there to call up all relatives.

but the old lady started showing improvement the same night and today she is out of danger and recovering at the speed of light.

BUT, would she be able to get up and sit for the comin 2-3 months? would she be able to walk like before in less than 6 months? would she be able to regain her strength?

I, personally, want her to but i doubt.

If grandma wouldnt have recovered like the way she did, i would have felt better if she would have died. it is not that i hate that old woman or have some grudge or something. its just that i cannot bear to see her helpless, the person who has stood tall on her toes against every challenge in her life, the person who prefers to stay alone in the western ghats at the age where most of them seek relaxation at their children's abode, the person who still watches her trees grow more and more and bear better fruits every season, who is still energetic enough to complete all the festivals, customs and rituals.

i salute her ability to stand, to fight, to walk even after celebrating her Platinum jubilee. its the fire inside that commands awe.

she is still fighting from the hospital bed.

if she is recovering like this, i would rather be happy.

PS: the old woman of concern is my mummy's mummy

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